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God Welcomes Us Through the Cross – A Lenten Reflection

By April 11, 2019April 13th, 2019News, Worship and Pray

by Patrick Hayden Roy

For me, the cross is what binds my faith. Though in Easter we will celebrate the resurrection, the tangible frame for our Christian faith is Lent and the cross which encompasses who we are now. Christ on the cross inhabits our life, made a spectacle for all the world to see, put there by the Romans, but really by all of us who despise what is weak and lowly and the things we fear in our insufficient selves. When we try to go inward to find the place where we are sufficient, we deepen our despair. When we survey the wonderous cross, we find evidence that God knows us and who we are and hidden in it is God’s boundless love for all of us. When we mark ourselves with the cross we know that God is with us, among us, and that our life moves toward an unveiling that we cannot yet fully experience, but whose promise the cross also contains. So, in the Sanctuary look up to the cross that hovers over your life, looming as a promise of suffering, but also redemption.

Kathleen Simley

Author Kathleen Simley

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